Red Flags & Concerns

Unfortunately, not every job posting you find online is legitimate. Some internship and job offers are instead a method to get personal information for use in identity theft and or money from you.

It is important that you know how to distinguish legitimate internship and job postings from scams.

Report a concern

If you see any of these red flags or if you come across a concerning job posting, stop and report them to us.

  • You are asked to provide your credit card, bank account numbers, or other personal financial documentation.
  • The domain in the contact's email address does not match the domain used by the company.
  • The position requires an initial investment, such as a payment by wire service or courier.
  • The posting includes spelling and/or grammatical errors.
  • You are offered a large payment or reward in exchange for allowing the use of your bank account (often for depositing checks or transferring money).
  • You are asked to provide a photo of yourself.
  • The posting neglects to mention what the responsibilities of the job actually are. Instead, the description focuses on the amount of money to be made.
  • The job description is vague.
  • The company has no online presence (e.g. LinkedIn profile with thousands of followers, a comprehensive website, etc.).
  • The job posting is the only page of a website. Scammers often create quick, basic web pages that seem legit at first glance.
  • Watch for anonymity. If it is difficult to find an address, actual contact, company name, etc. - this is cause to proceed with caution.
  • The salary range listed is very wide (i.e. "employees can earn from $40K - $80K the first year").
  • Google the employer's phone number, fax number and/or email address. If it does not appear connected to an actual business organization, this is a red flag.
  • The employer contacts you by phone, however, there is no way to call them back. The number is not available. - The employer tells you that they do not have an office set-up in your area, and will need you to help them get it up and running (these postings often include a request for your banking information, supposedly to help the employer make transactions).


Is that offer too good to be true? Probably.

Our staff is available to assess the validity of opportunities presented to you. Report your concern to us.