Job Offer/Evaluation


Have a difficult decision? We can help.

Our career counselors have many years of experience guiding students through the process of evaluating job offers. 

After receiving an offer, you may ask yourself: Should I take it? How do I decide between multiple offers? How do I accept or decline the offer?

Before accepting an offer:

Think very carefully about the offer and don’t accept until you are ready, as an acceptance must be made in good faith with an intention to honor the acceptance. When reflecting, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are the organization’s values and culture in sync with mine? Did I engage well with the people I met?

  • Is the work challenging? Do they provide me with quality professional development opportunities? Will it take me on my desired professional path in a reasonable time frame?

  • Even if it isn’t the exact position I was hoping for, will I gain skills that will positively influence my career/professional development?

  • Does the compensation package (salary, benefits, vacation, health and retirement plans) meet my needs?

  • Is it in a geographic location that interests me?

  • How do I feel about the required level of travel?

Accepting an Offer

When accepting a job offer, do so in writing by restating your interest and the key components of the job. However, any acceptance (even verbal) must be given with the full intention of honoring your acceptance. The Meruelo Family Center for Career Development’s Ethical Job & Internship Search Policy requires that you notify all other organizations with whom you have applied that you have accepted an offer and wish to withdraw your name from further consideration.

You may also consider notifying and thanking all those who have helped you in your job search, including those who served as references, provided you leads, and gave advice.

Acceptance example

Declining an Offer

Sending an email or letter when withdrawing from the interview process or declining an offer is important to assure good relations with the organization.

  • Withdraw from the interview process/decline an offer as soon as you know you are no longer interested, or immediately after accepting an offer from another organization

  • Withdrawing/declining tactfully in a timely manner will not offend the organization

  • Be positive—let them know it was a difficult decision, express your appreciation, and thank them for the opportunity

Declining example

Exploding Offers

Exploding offers are those with short deadlines. The Meruelo Family Center for Career Development’s Employer Job Offer Policy outlines the timing required that employers provide students to make a decision. If you are faced with an exploding offer, please contact The Meruelo Family Center for Career Development. We can help negotiate the date if the employer recruited on campus through our department.

Requesting More Time

When faced with a decision to accept an offer that you feel you can’t make in the time allotted, you can consider requesting more time from the employer. You may need a phone conversation with the employer about your request to extend the offer deadline, but it's wise to provide a "heads-up" to the employer regarding the nature of your request before the call. Make sure to express your enthusiasm and gratefulness for the offer. Odds are extremely low that the recruiter will rescind the offer just for asking - and if they do, it’s probably best to steer clear of the company anyway. Do not wait until the last minute to ask for an extension - a week or more before the deadline is preferred.