Financial Services


Financial Services

There are many different career tracks within the Financial Services sector, but they all have one common element: following the Financial Markets. This includes the equity markets, the fixed income (bond) markets, the currency markets, the commodity markets, and many variations of these markets such as derivatives, convertibles, and futures.The financial services and banking industries are multifaceted. Many job functions exist, catering to a variety of skills and interests. 

Job Title Examples:

  • Investment Banking Analyst
  • Investment Analyst
  • Securities and Commodities Broker
  • Financial Planner
  • Trader
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Venture Capitalist

Skills Needed:

  • Problem solving skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Research skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management and ability to multitask
  • Ability to work in fast-paced environment
  • Strong financial modeling skills

Find Opportunities

Irishcompass 01

Using Handshake, LinkedIn, and ND’s alumni association directory called myND is the best way to start on the networking front.

Job Databases:

Industry Timeline

The vast majority of permanent Investment Banking and Securities Sales & Trading positions, in particular, are derived from the Junior Internship recruiting process, which has been increasingly migrating towards the spring and summer of the student’s sophomore year. 

The timeline for recruiting in the Financial Services industry continues to move more and more into the students’ sophomore year. It is important to be looking at Handshake in order to attend the information sessions that many firms will host on campus throughout the year.

Applying and Interviewing


Your resume will often be the first impression for a potential employer.  You want to make sure that your resume is concise, direct, and specific. Ensure that your resume is tailored for the position and for the industry. Highlighting relevant coursework can demonstrate your fit for a particular position. Review our guide on resumes for more information on how to construct one.

Cover Letters

A cover letter introduces you to a potential employer. Use the position description to make specific connections between your skills and experience and what the organization is looking for in a candidate. Review our guide on cover letters for more information on how to construct one.


The Financial Services interview is usually divided into two components, the first is the behavioral component, which helps the firm and the student determine if there is a good fit. The second component depends on the type of interview. Review our guide on common interview questions

Investment Banking and some elements of Investment Management (including Private Equity), the second part of the interview includes the Technical Interview, which covers various areas of investment banking at its core. This would include Accounting, Valuation Methodologies including building a Discounted Cash Flow model, Leveraged Buyouts (“LBOs”) and Mergers & Acquisitions (“M&A”).

A firm would expect the student to know not only which area of Financial Services the student would like to enter, but would expect the student to drill down and have an idea of which particular sector (such as Industrials or Health Care) or product group (such as Equities and M&A) that one might be interested in. 

Preparation is extremely important for interviews. Research the company/organization, current and previous projects they’ve worked on, and even the people that you’re interviewing with. This will not only help provide talking points but will show your knowledge and genuine interest in the position. Utilize our resources on how to best prepare yourself to excel in your interview.

Online Resources

Guides to Financial Services Industry:


Other Resources:

Campus Resources

Career Counselor:


Bob Rischard
Assistant Director, Investment Banking, Investment Management, Sales & Trading, Private Wealth Management
Schedule an Appointment


Student Clubs:

Employer Examples:

  • Goldman Sachs
  • JP Morgan
  • Bank of America
  • Barclays
  • Blackstone Group
  • Credit Suisse
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Dimensional Fund Advisors
  • GCM Grosvenor
  • Houlihan Lokey
  • Morgan Stanley
  • William Blair & Company

Join Handshake:

Personalize your feed, explore your curiosities, and get updates that matter to you. Handshake is a dynamic system that works to match students with the most relevant resources and opportunities offered by our office including:

  • Access to personalized job recommendations – This is based on major, career interests, and profile information such as skills and experiences. When students fill out their profile, they’ll be able to see jobs and internships that match their interests and skills.
  • Ability to schedule one–on-one counseling appointments  – Counseling appointments are able to be scheduled through Handshake and held virtually via Zoom. 
  • Ability to Interact with employers – Students can research contact information for local and national employers. Employers can also message students with opportunities and information.
  • Connect with students across the country -  Students can interact with their peers through messaging, get tips and advice, as well as network. 
  • Search for and apply to open positions -  On Handshake, students can see jobs and internships posted specifically for them as well as employers actively recruiting from Notre Dame.