Housing Considerations

Summer Roommate Database

Are you graduating in May 2024 or participating in a summer 2024 internship and looking for a roommate? We can help!

Sign up to join the database

Access the SUMMER roommate database

Access the RECENT GRAD roommate database

note: When prompted for a username on the login screen, type your NetID (e.g. esorin).


Students completing the form can email other students who are also seeking to find a roommate in the city in which they will be living this summer.

This is an opt-in resource. Within a few days of completing the form, your name, email and summer city/state location will be listed in the database allowing you to seek out ND students, and other ND students to contact you.

The database is on the University’s Tableau server and it is password protected. The only students able to access the database are those who sign up.

Please use this resource at your own discretion, and recognize that all information in the database is self-reported by students and is solely intended to help facilitate connections among ND students who are looking for summer roommates. The University is not responsible for resolving any roommate conflicts which may arise.

Students who sign up for the database will be provided access within 2 business days to view the database. We will add/remove students through June. Once you have secured your housing/roommate, we ask that you please remove yourself from the database so other students do not contact you. Remove yourself by emailing careerdevelopment@nd.edu.

Housing Options

Finding temporary housing for your summer internship or relocation to a new city can be challenging, particularly in high-cost cities. Students in past years have explored these options: