Career Ready Competencies

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Are you Career Ready?

Career Ready Competencies are the foundational building blocks for your career - wherever that takes you. They are the skills, experiences, and attributes that broadly prepare you for a successful transition into the work you want to do - a research opportunity, that internship, the SSLP, that leadership role, the scholars program, the fellowship, the RA for your residence hall, the entrepreneurial venture, graduate school, that post-grad dream job, and all the jobs you will apply for in the future. 

The Career Ready Competency Tracking Tool can help you be Career Ready! It will help you 1) understand what skills are expected, 2) assess your level of expertise/development in each of those skills, and 3) communicate those skills clearly and in an applicable manner. We’ve put it all together for you in one document so you can review, assess and track your personal growth in all the competencies.

Download the Career Ready Competency Tracking Tool


Clarify and articulate your Values, Interests, Personality, and Skills (VIPS) as well as experiences relevant to your career goals and desired positions, and identify areas necessary for professional growth.

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Successfully build and maintain collaborative relationships to work effectively together as a team through shared responsibility, respect, and empathy to complete a shared goal for a common good.

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Motivate a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal, and direct workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the organization's needs.

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Digital Technology

Leverage current and emerging digital technologies ethically and efficiently to solve problems, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.

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Work Ethic/Professionalism

Demonstrate integrity, resilience, accountability and ethical behavior.

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Verbal/Written Communications

Articulate thoughts and express ideas effectively using oral, written and non-verbal communication skills (to instruct, inform and persuade), as well as listening for meaning to gain understanding.

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Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

Actively and skillfully conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information to reach an answer or conclusion.

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Demonstrate openness, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and the ability to interact respectfully with all people and understand individual, community and organizational differences.

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The Notre Dame Way

Apply what you have learned here at Notre Dame to go forth and do good. 

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